Islamic Republic of Iran with an area of 1،648،196 sq.km and nearly 76.03 million populations has been located in South- West Asia. The country neighbors with Turkey and Iraq in west, Afghanistan and Pakistan in East, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in North and Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Oman in South through Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Therefore, Islamic Republic of Iran, as a strategic country, has got common borders with states of ESCWA in South and West, SAARC in East and CIS and Caucasus as well as UNECE in North. The country is regarded as one of the richest countries in hydrocarbure reserves, so that it ranks the second for gas reserve and its export as well as the second for exporting crude oil in the world. According to the reports of the international institutions like the World Bank, Islamic Republic of Iran, with having more than 700 billion dollars GDP, scores the eighteenth out of twentieth outstanding economies, eighteenth and sixteenth for population and area respectively.