Consular Affairs
Visa Information
Dear respected Applicants,
In order to facilitate and accelerate the consular affairs, please write the address exactly as follows:
“Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Consular Section)
Na Hřebenkách 2371/70
150 00
Prague, Czech Republic, EU”
Please remember to include "Consular Section" in the address since the envelopes on which this phrase is not included will be forwarded to other sections of the Embassy and this will delay your consular application
Na Hřebenkách 70
Praha 5 - Smíchov
150 00
Tel.: +420 257 090 233
Tel.: +420 257 090 252
(konzulární oddělení)
Fax: +420 257 090 257
Otevírací hodiny velvyslanectví:
Po - Pá: 08:30 – 16:30
Konzulární oddělení a návštěvy pro veřejnost:
Po - Pá: 09:00 - 13:00
Very Important Notice:
All the payments for the fees associated with the consular services of this Embassy will be made ONLY through bank deposits. Applicants will deposit the related costs to the Embassy’s current account as described below:
Bank: CSOB
Account No: 234307988/0300
IBAN: CZ25 0300 0000 0002 3430 7988